State budgetary institution of the Moscow city health children’s Nephrology sanatorium No. 9 of the Moscow City Health Department «has been in operation since the year 1970.
The sanatorium
- in the establishment from 3 to 7 years
- the branch with 8 to 14 years
In accordance with the order of the Health Department of the city of Moscow No. 1261 from
In accordance with the order of the Health Department of the city of Moscow No. 888 of
In accordance with the order of the Health Department of the city of Moscow No. 9398 dated
The main building of the sanatorium is intended for 80 beds, located at Moscow, Chernicynskij proezd, 6 (district of Golyanovo district, in the zone of the National Park «Losinnyj Island), in the
Branch building is designed for 70 beds, located at Moscow, Sapper proezd, 6 and (district Novogireevo, within the city limits), the
Cooking for children in therapeutic feeding kitchen sanatorium that consists of separate workshops: workshop for processing raw vegetables, shop for handling raw meat and fish, cooking workshops. Unit is equipped with modern equipment (vapor, potato peelings, graters, mixers, rubbing machines, cookers, water heaters, dishwashers, refrigerators, refrigerating cabinets, desks, shelves, Cookware, kettles, Rickers).
To conduct complex treatment and
- Paediatric ward, which includes 7 children’s groups for children with diseases of the urinary system, as well as frequent and
long-term ill, aged 3 to 14 years stay free of charge when accompanied by their parents. - Physiotherapy room, where patients receive treatments, allows you to make extensive use of physiotherapy, as a method of treatment of
microbe-inflammatory process in kidneys, to rescue foci of infection, neurogenic bladder dysfunction bubble. The Cabinet is equipped with:UHF-therapy , ULTRASOUNDTHERAPY-therapy ,SMT-therapy ,CMW-therapy , electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization, electrophoresis); apparatus for phototherapy (OUFnu "EMA-e «,ENT-1 , lamp Bioptron Pro,BOP-4 ); devices for thermotherapy and inhalations (parafinonagrevatel " Cascade «, thermostat, ultrasonic inhalers-"fog-1 .1 «, " " Albedo, nebulizers, oxygen koktejlery " NjuLajf «).